Fidelity EQ
7 Band Parametric Equalizer
Strengthen your audio signal with Fidelity EQ. Our 7 Band Parametric Equalizer is perfect for mixing and mastering, to sculpt your records and give life to your songs. Equalization is a key skill for a music producer and the better your tools the better your sounds. This Parametric EQ is packed with handy features to help you make better decisions when equying any track. We have also included a bunch of presets so that you will have a base to start tackling your mix channels. We started this project thinking "hey, let's make an equalizer... it does not seem too complicated!" We were wrong. It is complicated but we managed to make this equalizer with a great sound and with a nice looking interface.
Here is the promotional video and a tutorial on how to use this plug-in.
Why Fidelity EQ?

Fidelity EQ is a 7 band Parametric Equalizer. It was designed to provide high sonic quality with minimum CPU resources. You can control the input and output gain, bypass the equalizer, invert the polarity of the signal to solve phase issues, you can switch between Peak and RMS metering and you can control the frequency, gain, and Q of each equalizer's band.
We also included a bunch of presets divided by instrument to help you jump start your equalizations.
The Fidelity EQ Demo version allows you to test our Parametric EQ before you buy it.
The Demo version will insert silence for 10 seconds every minute and the option to Save Presets is disabled.
7 Band Parametric Equalizer
Low/High band with 2 types: high/low pass and shelf
Input and output gain controls
Bypass and Invert Polarity controls
Equalizer Band Solo control
Equalizer Frequency, Gain and Q controls
Metering modes: Peak and RM
Lifetime Updates!
When you purchase this product you will get lifetime updates. Every update in the future will be free!
System Requirements
Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-Bit) Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
Mac OS X 10.5.0 and higher, Intel Core 2 Duo
This product requires at least 20MB of free disk space. It is recommended 4GB of RAM although the system is designed to have a low RAM usage.
Supported Interfaces
Windows (32/64-bit): VST2, VST3
Mac OS X (32/64-bit): VST2, AU
Product Includes
Installation files and PDF manual for the installation.
Filter Options and EQ bands

Frequently Asked Questions
How can I download this product after purchase?
You will be able to download the product right after the checkout page. It will also be sent to the email you use for the purchase. Check your spam folder if you don’t see it, and if you have any issues, email us.
How can I pay for this product?
You can pay with Paypal or Visa, Master Card, Amex. If you're having trouble with Paypal try using a different computer or internet browser. Email us for any questions regarding this.
Can I use this plug-in in any DAW?
Yes, this plug-in can be used with any DAW that supports VST (Win) or AU (Mac) formats! Most modern DAW support these two formats and just to name a few: FL Studio, Ableton Live, Logic, Cubase, etc.
Do you still have questions?