In this video, I’m going to show you 3 ways to improve your techno bass lines. If you are new to the channel, subscribe and activate the notifications so that you are up to date with all the videos I publish about music production. When I started making techno, I got frustrated really fast. One of the elements that were hard for me was creating bass lines. I would hear my favorite sets and DJs and I would think that the bass lines were simple yet I was not able to make cool bass lines for my tracks. Let me know in the comments below what things are hard for you to make when producing techno. I would love to read your comments. Let's start with the basics. Techno bass lines tend to be repetitive and don't have too many different notes. I've created techno bass lines with just a single note. This adds tension, which is very important in techno. There are some ways to add variation to a single note bass line, for example, adding distortion, opening up low pass filters, delay, and the list goes on. You will also find a lot of syncopation on techno basslines and by adding syncopation you can create some really cool sounds. You will also find a lot of techno rumble and rolling bass lines.
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EDM From Start To Finish S1 + S2
In this course, I will take you through the creation of 2 Electronic Dance Music tracks from start to finish. I will show you all the process from the first moment I open an empty project in FL Studio, compose the track, build the intro, the buildups, and the drops, mixing and mastering. You will see +10 hours of video about all topics regarding music production with this exclusive and in-depth course.
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