DailyBeatsVI Free Version
DailyBeatsVI Free is our first virtual instrument. We started this project with nothing, no sounds, no code, no idea on how to make plug-ins. We released the first version for free so that we could see if producers would like to use our plug-in. On the day we launched our website went down because it did not have enough resources to support all the requests. We then continued the journey and started thinking more about how to make this product better and more appealing to you so we are proud to release our new version of this Virtual Instrument.
DailyBeatsVI is our first virtual instrument. We started this project with nothing, no sounds, no code, no idea on how to make plug-ins. We released the first version for free so that we could see if producers would like to use our plug-in. On the day we launched our website went down because it did not have enough resources to support all the requests. We then continued the journey and started thinking more about how to make this product better and more appealing to you so we are proud to release our new version of DailyBeatsVI.
Demo Songs
Here are some of our beats that use only the sounds from DailyBeatsVI.
Why DailyBeatsVI?

Get lifetime updates!
When you buy the DailyBeatsVI full version you will get lifetime updates. This means that every update in the future will be free to you. DailyBeatsVI is a music production suite. It has everything you need to make music with a collection of 30 virtual instruments (+30 more with the Sound Bank Volume 2) including pianos, electric pianos, organs, bass, brass, strings, and drums.
Included in DailyBeatsVI:
‣ 30 Instruments
‣ Designed for low Ram usage
‣ 4GB of instrument sounds
‣ For both Mac and Windows 32 and 64bit
‣ Lifetime updates!
Sound Bank Volume 2
Extend the instruments of DailyBeatsVI with this Sound Bank and get even more high-quality sounds. Get 30 more instruments!
Included in Sound Bank Volume 2:
‣ 6 Bass Instruments
‣ 6 Guitars -- 5 electric and 1 acoustic
‣ 10 Pianos -- including e-pianos and organs
‣ Drums, Harpsichords, Clavi, Strings and Synths

Buy DailyBeatsVI with Sound Bank Volume 2
for only… 25€!
You also get Lifetime Updates!
Sound Engine Redesigned
Open/Save presets
Envelope (ADSR) Controls
Instrument Selector by Categories
Re-Sampling up to 96kHz
Support for a sustain pedal
Lifetime Updates!
When you purchase this product you will get lifetime updates. Every update in the future will be free!
System Requirements
Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-Bit) Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
Mac OS X 10.5.0 and higher, Intel Core 2 Duo
This product requires at least 8GB of free disk space. It is recommended 4GB of RAM although the system is designed to have a low RAM usage.
Supported Interfaces
Windows (32/64-bit): VST2, VST3
Mac OS X (32/64-bit): VST2, AU
Product Includes
Installation files and PDF manual for the installation.
Frequently Asked Questions
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